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Last week was a little quiet on the blog front, so my apologies for that. This week though I am back sharing an image from my trip to Donegal in September. When we last spoke I shared an image of Fanad Lighthouse taken during a small lull in an otherwise stormy day. After I had taken that image I took a walk around the cliff and surrounding area to see what else the location had to offer. Just a short walk away I was able to get down to the sea upon a jagged outcropping of rocks. By this point though the winds had begun to pick up sending the waves crashing upon the rocks, and much more threatening clouds had begun to move in. Perfect I said in my head, if the rain can just hold off for a short while and I’ll capture this wonderful scene. I braved it and climbed over the rocks so I could get to the very edge where the rocks met the sea, all the while praying the skies wouldn’t open up and soak me (or worse my gear!).
For anyone that has followed me for any length of time will know I rarely produce Black and White Images. It is not that I don’t love B&W photography, but I guess I love colour more. However from time to time a scene or resulting image will speak to me, ne scream at me to produce a Black & White and this indeed was one of those occasions. The B&W translations helps to isolate the waves crashing upon the jagged rocks while above the clouds gather above. The panoramic crop helps to add even more drama to the scene. But of course that is what I think, what do you think?
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Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
Exposure: 5 secs
Aperture: f/20
Focal Length: 21mm
ISO Speed: 50
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